Sunday, August 28, 2011

The very spirit of Ganesha chaturthi.

Hello readers!! ... It is that time of the year again, when we have to make a choice. A choice between ignorance and consciousness. May be the words are bit heavy. But these words really explain the meaning of our actions.

Well, we are talking about the celebrations of our favorite form of god, Ganapthi bappa. We have grown watching him in gigantic sizes and attractive colors in our neighborhood and all over the city. But we never realized that there would be some thing hazardous with the materials that went into making of our beloved god's form, we loved him so much. But it is very  important to realize that our devotion should be eco-friendly, since the ecosystem the lord has created shall not be disturbed in the name of devotion towards him.

 According to many vedic scholars, the ancient way of Ganesh Chaturthi actually explained the very spirit of ecosystem. Earlier people would collect the clay from the nearby lakes or ponds and make a Ganesh idol from it. These idols would only be colored using natural substances like turmeric and  vermilion. Each family would make one such idol and perform pooja to it for a few days and then they would immerse the idol in the same water body from which clay was brought. This way of worship actually explained the spirit of ecosystem, i.e., anything made out of nature, goes back to nature. Or in other words, anything made out of  resources of ecosystem should ideally get dissolved in the ecosystem, without disturbing it.

However, the present style of the festival is absolutely contrasting to the old good style. The festival which explained the spirit of ecosystem has turned into a ritual of disturbing it. It is now our duty to realize ourselves and people around to celebrate this festivital in it's real spirit. Many NGOs and local governments have come forward to spread this awareness and are also providing the eco-friendly Ganapathi idols. Now we have to make a choice between an eco-friendly ganesha or just the same PoP ganesh idol as last year. This is indeed a choice between consciousness and ignorance. I believe consciousness is what makes us dear to God.

Here are a few links that can help you find a ECO_FRIENDLY Ganesha in Hyderabad:

Daaram is a store located at Boorugu Vihar, opposite old airport lane, Lane next to Andhra Bank, Begumpet. I bought one for my home from this store. LOCATION : Plot No.74, Road No.5, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Phone : 7416790905

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Join the Greenpeace's campaign: Get Facebook to unfriend coal | Greenpeace India

Greenpeace, a non-profit organisation focuses on most critical world wide environmental issues, now campaigns to get Facebook to unfriend coal.As Facebook plans to start a new Data center in Oregon, USA which will be powered by coal. As coal is a harmful source of energy and also non-renewable,Greenpeace insists Facebook to use an alternative source of energy for its needs. Greenpeace is asking its supporters to sign an online form to ask Mr. Mark Zuckerberg to unfriend coal.

                                                 Greenpeace wishes to make its voice heard with these responses. You can join the Greenpeace's campaign here : Get Facebook to unfriend coal | Greenpeace India

The NGO also has set a deadline for Facebook to commit  "unfriend coal pledge" as April 22, 2011, the Earth day.More details of the campain are available  here . Do your bit by joining the campaign and befriend the environment.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nature en routing Akka mahadevi caves

It was a sunny afternoon in winter, done with visiting the main temple in Srisailam. We were a group of five, walked ahead to find more interesting places. And found "Pathala Ganga" was the obvious place to go next. Walked down  500 odd steps to the bath ghat of Pathala ganga, which is also a dock of sort for the AP tourism boats that takes the pilgrims around the river for half an hour. Since a boat ride sounds very curious thing for city slickers, we opted. We got into a not so impressive boat and took our seats. It was very humid, waiting  for the boat to start. A private boat driver next to our's, asked us if we would like to take his boat for ride. We asked him, what's the difference, how is a private boat better than AP tourism's. The private boat driver, who is also a guide for the place said, he would take us to a different place called "Akka mahadevi caves" which is 16 km from here and a hour long journey on his boat. In a very promising tone, he say's , "it's Adventurous Sirrr. There wouldn't be anyone esle than you". 'Oh! how is that adventurous ? ', a question , I asked myself. Nevertheless, my friends were convinced and negotiated cost for the trip.

The boat guy started the boat, all of us had a little fear inside, about our safety. We wore life jackets, although sweating. Here we go, the Atmosphere gets calmer and more calmer. The only noise we hear is our's and the boat's. Guys started taking pics. As we move on, the nature welcomed us with cool breezes in a hot afternoon.

It makes a connection with you and you start losing the fear. Soon we threw our life jackets aside. The sun light shimmered on the river. Nature unfolded it's beauty as we go along .

After a few minutes, the boat makes a strange sound, the guy moves it to the bank. He gets to bottom of the boat, and does some quick fix. We asked him," problem ?!". He replies, "small problem, but fixed". We were all smiles. We go ahead few kms, then again the strange sound, the boat guy repeats the feat. We go ahead another few kms ,and the same thing repeats.We ask the boat man," man, tell us, if  anything is serious about the boat ,should we call another boat ? ". He replies ," No guys , don't worry .We are so much used to it " .But we were not convinced of his answer. Yet no real fear inside us, as we lost it, a while ago. This time the boat guy uses all his marine engineering and fixes the problem forever, as he says. We again start our journey soaking up the serenity of  the place.

The otherwise talkative group chooses to stay quiet and experience the beauty. While the sun played hide and seek with us, behind the mountains.


 Through a few more minutes of amazing climate and  beauty, we reach the place called  Akka mahadevi caves. A strange red rocky place, seen only in Discovery, Nat geo channels so far. We were all shouting,  making strange sounds to express the happiness.

 There is an idol of the ascetic called Akka maha devi, who took penance here for Lord Shiva. The place is named after her obviously. And our boat driver cum guide, takes us inside the cave with a dozen candles lit. The dark cave extends about a 100 ft deep and hardly 4 ft in hight. We walked almost on knees. There were Bats flying in the cave, but they don't harm. The cave was all watery. At the end of the cave ,was a Shiva linga, which the saint meditated upon. The now guide, told us the story behind the place but then he forewords us that he is not exactly sure about it. So I refrain from reproducing it here. And slowly we came out of the cave, refreshed and looked like steam bathed.

The guide also took us to another cave on the other side. Which was not really deep inside, but what's special about it was, a natural formation that resembled a five hooded snake. We were amused to look at it .
After another photo session with the great rocks, we returned in the boat. The return journey was also a delight, with the sun setting, the climate getting even cooler.

Looked at the same picturesque from a different direction. After an almost hour long journey we reached from where it all started. We took the steps to go up, with a sense of satisfaction and rejuvenation. Talking about the beauty of whole journey, we finished the whole staircase without a trace of strain or discomfort.

I felt this journey was worth blogging and inspiring. Of course connected with environment, so it's up here.
Thanks .

Friday, November 5, 2010


HI eco-frndz.....wish u all a very happy diwali.
Writing my first ever post on the occasion of Diwali, and what could be better than knowing what best we can do to stop this beautiful fest becoming into an environment endangering event.

Well, we all know clearly that any kind of firework, will give out only smoke, sound and ash, that only adds up to the woes. Don't know, how this helps in appeasing any deity. Or we do it for few moments of  bright light to entertain ourselves, which might eventually cease a being's right to see any light for the rest of it's life!
guess, i need to write more problems, affects and all that stuff to make this blog any good reading. Excuse me, for this being my first ever post and also Diwali ...haha...But we all readily know, what's wrong and right, when we are about to do any act.  So.....not indulging in any technicalities like.... decibels of sound .... gms of Co2 ... tonnes of waste ....Blah blah....rounding off with following :

There are many more such problems we create, but shun to drop their causes. And even if we thought of joining the "i am doing my bit to save the environment " campaign, and but haven't taken any action yet and just dreaming. We are all probably waiting for a rhythmic kick to come out of this dream and start helping in reality. Hope this blog could be that kick........!!!! let this idea be incepted.

Thank you and wish u all a Happy Diwali once again!! have fun without dun... doon ...boom ....dhadangg...Take care.