Saturday, February 12, 2011

Join the Greenpeace's campaign: Get Facebook to unfriend coal | Greenpeace India

Greenpeace, a non-profit organisation focuses on most critical world wide environmental issues, now campaigns to get Facebook to unfriend coal.As Facebook plans to start a new Data center in Oregon, USA which will be powered by coal. As coal is a harmful source of energy and also non-renewable,Greenpeace insists Facebook to use an alternative source of energy for its needs. Greenpeace is asking its supporters to sign an online form to ask Mr. Mark Zuckerberg to unfriend coal.

                                                 Greenpeace wishes to make its voice heard with these responses. You can join the Greenpeace's campaign here : Get Facebook to unfriend coal | Greenpeace India

The NGO also has set a deadline for Facebook to commit  "unfriend coal pledge" as April 22, 2011, the Earth day.More details of the campain are available  here . Do your bit by joining the campaign and befriend the environment.

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